King's Farm Primary School

King's Farm Primary School

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Being the best that we can be

Ofsted May 18:
  • King’s Farm Primary School is a Good School.
  • An impressive number of pupils take part in extra-curricular clubs before or after school.
  • Parents are overwhelmingly supportive of the school.
  • The curriculum captures pupils’ imagination and they are eager to find out more.
  • In 2017 the school’s results at the expected standard for combined reading, writing and mathematics were the most improved in Kent.
  • Children in the early years make good progress from their starting points.

Nursery Provision 2017 questionnaire

Dear Parents / Carers,

You may have seen in the news that from September 2017, the government will be offering 30 hours of free child care per week for three and four year olds (Nursery age children). This is an initiative to help parents go back to work after having their children. In order to qualify for the 30 hours of free funding, both parents must work at least 16 hours each per week. In the case of lone parents, the single parent must be working 16 or more hours per week.

In order for us to meet the needs of our parents, we are asking parents of children who will be three (Nursery age) during the school year Sept 2017 – July 2018 to complete the questionnaire attached to this letter.

Thank you for your time 

Jane Lazarus

EY Lead

  Nursery Provision 2017 questionnaire