Inspire Maths Advocate School
“King’s Farm appointed Advocate School for 2019/20.”
Parents and Carers,
It brings me great pleasure to announce that King’s Farm Primary School has been appointed an Inspire Maths Advocate School for the academic year 2019-20 as a result of demonstrating good teaching and learning using the Singapore approach. Acknowledging the hard work of teachers across the school to provide opportunities for all pupils to deepen their understanding of mathematics, the appointment by Oxford University Press places the school in a select group of schools across the country.
Teachers from schools around Kent and the surrounding counties, interested in utilising high quality textbooks and a mastery approach to mathematics, will have the opportunity to visit King’s Farm three times a year to see excellent mathematics teaching and learning in action.
Always demonstrating an excellent command of the language and structures of mathematics, it is a testament to our pupils’ positive attitude towards learning and the dedication of the adults who support them that the school should be awarded this honour.
In return for opening our doors to other teachers and sharing what works so well at King’s Farm, the school will receive the highest quality professional development from Oxford University Press, ensuring that we continue to give our pupils a world class education for many years to come.
Chris Jackson
Head of School
For Schools:
Inspire Maths is a whole-school primary maths programme which supports a mastery approach to teaching and learning mathematics. Through a carefully structured progression through primary mathematics, Inspire Maths allows pupils the opportunity to meet and surpass the high expectations of the 2014 National Curriculum.
Comprehensive Professional Development is available, accredited by NCETM, to ensure consistent practice across the whole school.
Find out more about Inspire Maths and the PD offered.