Year R
During term 1 our reception children will be taking part in a pilot scheme called the reception baseline assessment (RBA). Please click the following video for further information.
Reception Baseline Assessment Video
Please click the following link to access information about the curriculum, if you would like more information about our curriculum then please ask the class teacher.
RE is taught using the Kent Agreed Syllabus 2022-2027. In addition to collective worship, 5% of the school’s annual timetable is dedicated to RE.
During Year R pupils look at the following key questions: ‘Which stories are special and why?’, ‘Which places are special to us and why?’, ‘Where do we belong?’ and ‘What is special about our world and why?
Each week a group of Year R children have the opportunity to swim at Ifield's Hydro Pool on a weekly basis.
Communication and Language |
Personal, social, emotional development |
Physical development |
Literacy |
Mathematics |
Understanding the World |
Expressive Art and Design |