King's Farm Primary School

King's Farm Primary School

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Being the best that we can be

Ofsted May 18:
  • King’s Farm Primary School is a Good School.
  • An impressive number of pupils take part in extra-curricular clubs before or after school.
  • Parents are overwhelmingly supportive of the school.
  • The curriculum captures pupils’ imagination and they are eager to find out more.
  • In 2017 the school’s results at the expected standard for combined reading, writing and mathematics were the most improved in Kent.
  • Children in the early years make good progress from their starting points.

Year 3

Throughout Key Stages One and Two children we teach the National Curriculum and this is taught through topics. All children are taught Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar on a daily basis.

We teach phonics through Little Wandle and develop reading skills through specifically targeted age appropriate books. We do not follow one particular reading scheme but ensure children have a range of good quality books.

Maths is taught through the Inspire Maths programme. We use Inspire Maths to inform our Medium Term Plans

The Science curriculum is based on the Oak National Academy Scheme of Work.

The PE Curriculum is based on the scheme ‘Get Set 4 P.E’

Each class in Key Stage 2 is taught French on a weekly basis.

RE is taught using the Kent Agreed Syllabus 2022-2027. In addition to collective worship, 5% of the school’s annual timetable is dedicated to RE.

During Year 3 pupils look at the following key questions: ‘What do different people believe about God?’, ‘Why do people pray?’ and ‘What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today?’

For more details about each subject please visit the National Curriculum link. If you would like more information about our curriculum, then please ask the class teacher.

  Inference and Deduction KS2

  Inferring and deducing

  Year 3 Curriculum

  Safeguarding Curriculum

  Parents Guide to the national curriculum

  PSHE Curriculum including Relationships Education